Friday, June 1, 2007

a walk in your shoes

I came to Uganda wanting to walk in someone else's shoes, wanting to know something more than I have always known, and to experience something more than the comfort of the States. The kids I now call friends are almost always barefoot... and have probably owned only one or two pairs of sandals in their entire lives. So this whole walking in someone else's shoes thing has been a bit of a change.

I never thought I would see the day that I would learn all 43 of our orphane's names... but I'm getting close. Each one of them has a story unlike anything I have ever heard. From Rebels coming in and murdering their parents before their eyes, to aids tearing apart families... it's unreal. One of the teachers at the school told us on the first day that the children "love quickly." I know this is true. I find I'm the one who is starting to love each one of them. Today we had a track and field competition with the kids. The nursery bunch, kids from 3-6, were so funny. Running as fast as their tiny legs could move- and the expression on there face was priceless. The others are true athletes! Wow!

The sky is bigger here. That's the only way I can desribe it. It looks like a painting. I think God saves the special colors for the African sky. He must... when I look up I can't believe what I'm seeing.

I read every comment and am so thankful for all of them! I miss all of you and wish I had more time on this computer to write. I guess all I can say is to be continued...

I read in the Bible yestarday that the clouds are the dust of God's feet. That is incredible. Wow God must be a huge God!



Kelsey Joy said...

I miss you and Love you SO much!! Hope that MN and your new job are great! I want to hear all about it!

Gram and Gramps,
Love you guys!! I can't wait to see the LARGEST fresh water lake in the world in a few months! TAke care of the deer family!

Thanks for writing!! Hope your summer is going so well! Can't wait to hear all your new songs too! Take care buddy!

Dad and Jen,
Love you, hope Maine is great! Miss you!

Mom and Rick,
Say hi to everyone in Iowa! Love you miss you!

Thanks for writing!! You were right about everything you told Kate about Africa! It's incredible here! Can't wait to meet you in person! Stay in touch!

LOVE EVERY ONE ELSE!!!!!! Take care!

katie. said...

kelseyyyy. i love you so much and i'm so glad to be in this beautiful place with you... you're amazing.

gram&papa said...

Hi Kels
I have to admit,I have a godly envy for your life changing experience.I'm hoping you take lots of pictures so we can see what you're seeing.I found this verse the other day in Isaiah 49:16.He says "I have engraved thee in the palms of my hands. Awesome place to be!!! That's what you call security. Anyway, love you and know that you're in all our prayers.
Gram and Papa

brookeannibale said...

KElSEY!! It is so great to read about what you are up to. it sounds amazing so far...i hope you're taking pictures of this beautiful land. i can't wait to hear all about what God shows you through this experience!
miss you dear!

Unknown said...

Kelsey, we're keeping up on your blog. We're so happy you had a safe trip and love Africa. We always knew this trip would change your life, seems it happened right away.
Love you,
Randy, Peggy, Blake, and Zach

Anonymous said...


what a beautiful picture you and kate are painting with your lives right now!! im praying for you ladies every day...i love hearing how God is working. i can just see the faces of the must be amazing. keep on loving and living in Christ....

love and prayers!!

Susie Larson said...


I miss your sweet face!

Jake directed me to your blog and it is wonderful. You are a beautiful writer.

Clearly, God is expanding His Kingdom in and through you.

You are blessed to be in Africa and Africa is blessed to have you.

Bless you, doll.

PS - I Blogged today about the power of "Being Known." Stop by if you have the chance (click the link on my website).

Tim Schurrer said...

I am writing you from Nashville!

I had transfer orientation today and had a great time. I got to set up my schedule and everything, which is really exciting. I went over to the new house yesterday and love it. I am so excited to move! We got here late Saturday and are leaving really early tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. I think that Nashville is going to be a good place for me. I can talk to you more about it later, but just know that I am really excited :)

I read your and Katie's blogs everytime I see something new. I know you are so happy to be there. Tell Katie I said hello. To the kids, teach them the word "yo!" and then tell them "I knew you could do it!" on a regular basis (Derek's graduation party style) Haha. Good times.

I saw Combustion when walking down Music Row with my mom and Ryan. We were talking about you. I introduced them to Which Wich? this weekend and Baja Burrito.

Oh yeah... We showed up at Baja after church (@ Fellowship Bible) on Sunday and ran into Dave Barnes, Matt Wertz, and Andy Davis. It was glorious!

Okay, I think that is all that I want to tell you. So many exciting things in Nashville!